During Academic Year 2013-14, the German Embassy in Washington, DC, is sponsoring a series of events at The Catholic University of America. These events feature the role of Germany in Europe and the culture, politics, and history of Europe and the European Union. At CUA, the events will be organized by the Program in European Studies and the German Program in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures in close cooperation with Dr. Arpad von Klimo from the Department of History and Dr. Dorle Hellmuth from the Department of Politics.

Our thematic focus will be on questions of German and European identity and the integration of Europe. We will combine academic course offerings and course content, scholarly presentations, film screenings, and a number of activities and competitions. On February 25, CUA will host a "Europe Day" on the occasion of International Week.

Three academic courses form the academic framework for the events:

EURO/POL 202: European Politics (Fall 2013)
EURO 201: European Culture: Mulitculturalism and National Identity (Spring 2014)
EURO 310/HIST 338A: The Idea of Europe: European Integration since 1914 (Spring 2014)

Check back for updates and the schedule of events!


Adventsfeier : German Christmas Party at the CUA

Euro Day 2014

Contact Person:

Claudia Bornholdt
Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures
Director, Certificate in European Studies

Phone: 202-319-5240
Email: Bornholdt@cua.edu

McMahon Hall 208
The Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Ave NE
Washington, DC 20064

Phone: 202-319-5240